Adobe and Edelman San Francisco had a surprise hit last Halloween with their “Photoshop Murder Mystery“—a crime hidden inside a Photoshop document, which designers could solve by sifting […]
National Fitness Campaign is a social enterprise dedicated to building fit communities across America. At 32’x35’, our fitness court is an outdoor bodyweight circuit-training system designed to provide […]
Adobe wanted to gain insight into the people using their product, so we created an interactive survey that spoke to creative directors and marketing executives across the globe. […]
Häagen-Dazs has just announced the their own Häagen-Dazs Concerto Timer, the first iOS mobile app that will integrate 3D Kinect technology with video data, resulting in an augmented […]
Charles and Ray Eames designed with every tool available to them, from pen and paper to a potter’s wheel to a movie camera. And now, on the same […]
Play ping-pong WITH YOUR MIND!! Google+ and Goodby Silverstein & Partners have created the world’s first interagency ping-pong tournament hosted in a Google+ Hangout. The movement of your […]
As a rule, any enterprise that offers even a remote possibility of reviving interest in—and by extension, promoting the present-day playing of—songs by annoying ’80s blue-eyes soulsters Hall […]
We’ve posted on Goodby Silverstein & Partners a lot lately – especially for do-good work like the Hacking Autism project. Now they’re out with work for another good […]
Click on the image to launch Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Client: Frito-Lay